Here is a list of selected simulation models, model frameworks and other software available for OMNeT++. With a few exceptions, models have been developed by the community, that is, by research teams and individuals independent of the OMNeT++ core team. Models vary in the level of completeness and maturity.
This repository contains the Integrate It Yourself version of a 6LoWPAN simulation model for the OMNeT++ simulation framework. The model itself integrates Contiki’s 6LoWPAN implementation into OMNeT++. Refer to the paper for more information about the basics and our generic approach.
Keywords: wpan, ipv6, 802.15.4, contiki, wsn, sensor, wireless
opp_env install afdx-latest
Ipek Gokce [email protected] Emre Atik [email protected] Rudolf Hornig [email protected]
Keywords: afdx, ethernet, fieldbus, avionics
opp_env install ansa-latest
The ANSA (Automated Network Simulation and Analysis) project is dedicated to the development of a variety of protocol models, based on RFC specifications and/or reference implementations. The ANSA package extends INET Framework with several protocol models.
ANSA is may be publicly used as the routing/switching baseline for further research initiatives, i.e., in simulations proving (or disproving) certain aspects of networking technologies (e.g., finding bottlenecks and single-point of failures, configuration errors, faulty network states, etc.).
ANSA is a long-term project carried out by researchers and students at Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic.
Keywords: hsrp, vrrpv2, glbp, isis, rip, eigrp, babel, ripv2, ripng, cdp, lldp, stp, trill, lisp, pim-dm, pim-sm, igmpv2, igmpv3, vlan, rbridge, clns
Simulation of adversarial queueing (high packet loss) events in computer networks.
AQTmodel allows one to simulate unstable queueing scenarios in the framework of Adversarial Queueing Theory and Adversarial Queueing with finite buffers and timing variations. The focus of this network simulator is to study network packet loss in various instability scenarios. Adversarial models of traffic generation replace probabilistic assumptions by considering the deterministic worst-case.
Author: Daniel Berger, Distributed Computer Systems (DISCO) group, University of Kaiserslautern
Keywords: traffic, queueing, latency, packet loss
AVENS implements co-simulation between an OMNeT++/INET simulation and the XPlane Flight Simulator, for modeling UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) communication.
The purpose of AVENS is to offer a platform for mobile ad hoc networks analysis where UAVs are mobile nodes sharing the wireless medium for exchanging messages. The goal is to use a flight simulator for controlling the aerial vehicles and a network simulator for obtaining network measurements such as transmission rate, goodput, RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indication), throughput, package loss, number of retransmission etc.
AVENS is part of a major research project concerning the provision of a test bed to simulate UAV flight and control, using different, controlled and changeable configurations. The main intention of AVENS is to provide a simulation test bed for virtual experiments of network coverage and connectivity among UAVs flying in cooperation or sharing the same airspace.
The two base simulation platforms, XPlane Flight Simulator and the OMNeT++ Network Simulator, are integrated with LARISSA (Portuguese only) in AVENS. In short, LARISSA provides a reliable and easy way to generate automatic code for OMNeT++ from an abstract UAV modeling.
Keywords: mobility, vehicular, cosimulation
Nicola Concer’s simulator for ad-hoc networks. Implements AODV protocol and several mobility models. This version (1.1) has been updated to work with OMNeT++ 3.0. Please be aware that the model has no standards compliance and has not undergone validation.
This is a simulator of an ad hoc network originally developed using OMNeT++ v2.2.
This project is a part of the thesis I made with prof.Donatiello and dott.Bononi of the Bologna University’s Computer Science department.
The main features implemented are:
each host moves following an independent mobility algorithm
communication links are set up and disposed dynamically
Source code and documentation is available on the web site (click ‘Thesis’).
Updated for OMNeT++ 3.0 Andras Varga Jan 2005.
Keywords: aodv, ad hoc, manet, mobility, wireless
The model implements an Ant-based routing algorithms (AntNet-CL and AntNet-CO) proposed by G. Di Caro and M. Dorigo. This model version works with omnetpp 3.0a3 and up.
AntNet was proposed by Gianni Di Caro & Marco Dorigo in [1] . In AntNet the network state is monitored through two ant agents: Forward_Ant and Backward_Ant. A Forward_Ant agent is launched at regular intervals from a source to a certain destination. It uses the same queues as data packets to monitor the real traffic situation. Forward_Ant agent is equipped with a stack memory on which the address and entrance time of each node on its path are pushed. Once the Forward_Ant agent reaches its destination it creates a Backward_Ant agent and transfers all information to it. Backward_Ant visits the same nodes as Forward_Ant in reverse order and modifies the entries in the routing tables based on the trip time from the nodes to the destination. At each node the average trip time, the best trip time and the variance of the trip times for each destination are maintained. The trip time values are calculated by taking the difference of entrance times of two subsequent nodes pushed onto the stack. Backward_Ant agent uses the system priority queues so that it disseminates the information to the nodes as soon as possible.
However, the authors later on renamed AntNet as AntNet-CL and proposed another version of it in [2] namely AntNet-CO. AntNet-CO uses the concepts of flying ants in which forward moving Forward_Ant agent does not have to wait in the normal queues to determine the queuing delay rather they use an estimation model described in [2] to estimate the delay. Consequently, the routing information quickly spreads in the network.
In this implementation of AntNet one could get the behavior of both algorithms through a simple #define. The implementation has been tested and works with Windows XP and MSVC6.0 and Omnetpp3.0a3.
The steps are following:
In this implementation the most important files that are of interest are
In, the handling forward and backward ants is implemented. I have tried to have implemented the concepts in this regard as discussed in [1]. The parameters that are of interest could be given via omnet.ini file. In, i have just catered for the service time due to queues.
Enjoy working with AntNet and thanks to Gianni and Dorigo for the wonderful routing algrithm.
In case of any problems please contact Muddassar Farooq [email protected]
[1] G. Di Caro and M. Dorigo. AntNet: Distributed Stigmergetic Control for Communications Networks. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 9:317–365, 1998
[2] G. Di Caro and M. Dorigo. Two ant colony algorithms for best-effort routing in datagram networks. In Y. Pan, S. G. Akl, and K. Li, editors, Proceedings of the Tenth IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems (PDCS’98), pages 541–546. IASTED/ACTA Press, Anheim, 1998.
Keywords: ad hoc, ant, routing, antnet
opp_env install artery_allinone-latest
Artery enables V2X simulations based on ETSI ITS-G5 protocols like GeoNetworking and BTP. Single vehicles can be equipped with multiple ITS-G5 services through Artery’s middleware, which also provides common Facilities for these services.
Artery started as an extension of the Veins framework but can be used independently nowadays.
Keywords: veins, vanetza, vanet, car2x, v2x, vehicular, routing, its-g5
Simulation model for the lower communication layers of the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) protocol, primarily PHY and LL. Based on MiXiM. Developed and tested with OMNeT++ version 4.4.1 and MiXiM version 2.3.
Author: Konstantin Mikhaylov
Keywords: bluetooth, ble, wpan, mesh, wsn, sensor, wireless
opp_env install can_allinone-latest
A simulation model for CAN (Controller Area Network) for OMNeT++. CAN message routers are supported, and CAN-CAN gateways can be simulated.
Limitations: Unfortunately, the error frame of the CAN protocol is not supported in the current version.
Requires: OMNeT++ 4.4.1 and INET-Framework 2.3.0
Keywords: canbus, fieldbus, vehicular, automotive
All-optical simulator based on OMNeT++. This simulator implements a new paradigm of Optical Burst Switching (OBS) framework called Car OBS that concatenates a number of burst for better link utilization.
In order to use a given network topology as efficiently as possible, stream-line effect (SLE) is used. Then combination of SLE routing and wavelength assignment (RWA) with grooming provided by OBS framework GRWA algorithm is proposed and verified. This verification was tackled by this simulator.
Author: Miloš Kozák
Keywords: optical, obs, sle, rwa
CDNSim is a simulation model for Content Distribution Networks (CDNs), built on OMNeT++ 3.x and a modified INET Framework. It includes modeling of redirection policies, cache policies, TCP/IP and more.
Paper: K. Stamos, G. Pallis, A. Vakali: “Integrating Caching Techniques on a Content Distribution Network”. In Proceedings of the 10th East-European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems, LNCS series of Springer Verlag, Thessaloniki, Greece, September 2006.
Keywords: web, caching
Community-based Mobility Model (CMM) and ORBIT (SOLAR) mobility models, from the Communication Networks Working Group,University of Bremen. These models are useful in the research of opportunistic networking.
Keywords: mobility, cmm, orbit, opportunistic networking
The COSSIM simulation framework is the first known open-source, high-performance simulator that can handle holistically system-of-systems including processors, peripherals and networks; such an approach is very appealing to both Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) and Highly Parallel Systems (HPS) designers and application developers.
COSSIM is built on top of several well-established simulators:
To bind the whole framework together, COSSIM employs the HLA architecture through the open-source CERTI package. Additionally, a sophisticated Eclipse-based GUI has been developed to provide easy simulation set-up, execution and visualization of results.
COSSIM was developed under the EU Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Programme Project No: H2020-644042.
Keywords: full system, simulator, hla, cosimulation
This package complements JSimpleModule: while JSimpleModule lets you write OMNeT++ simple modules in Java, CSharpSimpleModule does the same for C#. (The code is also based on JSimpleModule.) CSharpSimpleModule was developed by Andreas Lagemann, Distributed Systems / Operating Systems Group, TU Cottbus, Germany. This work is part of the SPP1140 ‘Basissoftware für Selbstorganisierende Infrastrukturen für Vernetzte Mobile Systeme’ project of the DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft).
Keywords: csharp, c#, language, binding
opp_env install castalia-latest
Note: This repository is no longer actively maintained. We recommend using the INET Framework for new WSN and BAN simulations. INET implements most of Castalia’s features, including sophisticated radio modeling, clock drift modeling, 802.15.4 and other protocols.
Castalia is a simulator for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), Body Area Networks (BAN) and generally networks of low-power embedded devices, developed by Thanassis Boulis in the Networked Systems theme at NICTA from 2007.
Castalia is used by researchers and developers to test their distributed algorithms and/or protocols in realistic wireless channel and radio models, with a realistic node behavior especially relating to access of the radio.
Castalia’s salient features include: model for temporal variation of path loss, fine-grain interference and RSSI calculation, physical process modeling, node clock drift, and several popular MAC protocols implemented. Castalia is highly parametric. It provides tools to help run large parametric simulation studies, process and visualize the results.
Keywords: 802.15.4, wsn, sensor, wireless, wpan, tmac
opp_env install cell-latest
CellSignaling is a research project from GRXCA group at BarcelonaTECH, Polytechnic University of Catalonia, developed to study the signaling and communications of (biological) cells at a molecular scale. It has been used to evaluate diffusion-based communication channels using calcium ions. It also features a 3D, web based visualization component based on webGL.
Keywords: biology, cell, signaling
ChSim, created at University Paderborn, is an OMNeT++ simulation model which generates channel state values (1/attenuation) in dB for a single wireless cell. This cell includes one base station and N terminals, each terminal can have M unidirectional links to the base station. For each of these links channel state values can be generated in the time and frequency domain. These values can be written to a file or processed in own simulation modules. The simulator includes several mobility and channel models.
Ideas and code from ChSim has been used in the development of MiXiM.
Keywords: wireless, channel
CloudNetSim++ is a modeling and simulation toolkit to facilitate simulation of distributed datacenter architectures, energy models, and high speed data centers’ communication network. It is designed to allow researchers to incorporate their custom protocols and, applications, to analyze under realistic data center architectures with network traffic patterns.
CloudNetSim++ is the first cloud computing simulator that uses real network physical characteristics to model distributed datacenters. CloudNetSim++ provides a generic framework that allows users to define SLA policy,scheduling algorithms, and modules for different components of datacenters without worrying about low level details with ease and minimum effort.
Keywords: cloud, performance, data center
opp_env install rpl_allinone-latest
An RPL routing protocol (Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Networks, RFC 6550) model for the INET Framework.
Related paper: “A Novel Approach to Enhance the End-to-End Quality of Service for Avionic Wireless Sensor Networks”, Yevhenii Shudrenko, Daniel Plöger, Koojana Kuladinithi, Andreas Timm-Giel (2022).
Provided by the Institute of Communication Networks (ComNets), Hamburg University of Technology.
Keywords: routing wireless wsn
opp_env install omnet_tdma-latest
A simple and abstract implementation of a TDMA MAC protocol for the INET Framework. It divides time into time slots which are then grouped into frames. For every frame a schedule is created which dictates to nodes when to send. In this model, only the transmission of data is modelled. Control information is assumed to be exchanged out of band, yielding a strongly idealized model.
Provided by the Institute of Communication Networks (ComNets), Hamburg University of Technology.
Keywords: tdma
opp_env install tsch_allinone-latest
Simulation model for IEEE 802.15.4e Time Slotted Channel Hopping (TSCH) with 6P protocol and scheduling functions as part of the 6TiSCH stack, combined with RPL.
See related paper at
Provided by the Institute of Communication Networks (ComNets), Hamburg University of Technology.
Keywords: tsch
CometOS is a component-based, extensible, tiny operating system for wireless networks. It is written in C++ and highly inspired by OMNeT++’s communication paradigm. It allows the execution of protocols within the OMNeT++ simulation environment as well as on resource-restricted platforms such as wireless sensor nodes.
Keywords: wsn, sensor, wireless, routing, 802.15.4, ipv6, 6lowpan, rpl, uart, i2c, rs-485, spi, dsme, http, mis, aodv, gpsr
opp_env install core4inet-latest
Note: This project is in maintenance mode. We recommend using the INET Framework for new TSN simulation projects instead. INET Framework, starting with version 4.4, contains substantial support for TSN modeling, with documentation and showcase example simulations.
CoRE4INET is an extension to the INET Framework for the event-based simulation of real-time Ethernet in the OMNeT++ simulation system.
CoRE4INET supports:
Keywords: vehicular, automotive, ethernet, as6802, ttethernet, 802.1q, avb, srp, tsn, vlan, 802.1p
CrowNet is an open source simulation framework for the development of new networked mobility concepts and intelligent transportation systems. CrowNet has been developed as part of the roVer research project at Munich University of Applied Sciences that is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Grant number: 13FH669IX6).
CrowNet builds on state-of-the-art simulation frameworks for simulating mobile networks (OMNeT++, INET, VEINS, Artery, Simu5G) and mobility behavior (VADERE, SUMO). CrowNet extends these frameworks with several features, such as:
The project page provides an overview, and lists several related publications.
Keywords: crowd mobility
opp_env install dctrafficgen-latest
Data Center Network (DCN) research is gaining further momentum as the Cloud computing model proves scalable and efficient. As the economic efficiency of Cloud Computers improves with their size, Hyperclouds are now designed to contain 10,000 to 100,000 hosts. This extreme scale poses a challenge to DCN researchers, since building an experimental DCN of reasonable size is prohibitively expensive. Consequently, the research community greatly depends on the availability of formally defined traffic patterns, which describe the characteristics of Hyperscale DCN traffic. Even though several papers describing particular-cloud traffic were released over the years, no formal model was ever published or accepted as standard.
The DCTrafficGen package by Mellanox ( provides a solution to this challenge by introducing a free to use, standard way of publishing traffic characteristics measured on hyperscale clusters. The package, is based on OMNeT++ event driven simulation technology that is free for academic use. DCTG generates traffic according to statistical profiles of flow duration, total size, packet size, message size, and destination locality. It also supports the definition of multiple application types in terms of the different roles of each Traffic Generator (TG) comprising the application, each with its own statistical or deterministic traffic injection characteristics. Then, it allows for describing the placement of multiple occurrences of these applications on specific network hosts. Each said host may contain a different number of TGs of each role representing the application occurrence.
The authors write: “DCTrafficGen is inspired by the detailed traffic characteristics provided in [1] and the simulator code of [2] that was generously made available to us. We hope our contribution will start a process of open source development and contributions of common traffic benchmarks, that will advance DCN research. We call for more groups to contribute application types, with new traffic statistics as well as code to improve our current implementation.”
[1] A. Roy, et al., “Inside the Social Network’s (Datacenter) Network,” in Proceedings of the 2015 SIGCOMM’15, pp. 123–137.
[2] B. Montazeri, et al., “Homa: A Receiver-Driven Low-Latency Transport Protocol Using Network Priorities,” in Proceedings of the 2018 SIGCOMM’18, pp. 221–235.
Keywords: datacenter, cloud, traffic
opp_env install dns-latest
This extension provides models to simulate DNS and mDNS (multicast DNS) traffic within INET. Author: Andreas Rain, University of Konstanz
Keywords: mdns
A lightweight packet-level OMNeT++ simulator designed to simulate large FatTree data center networks.
Keywords: hpc, interconnection, fat tree
DenaCast is an open-source peer-to-peer video streaming framework for the OMNeT++ simulation environment. The repository contains a fork of OverSim with the DenaCast modules added.
Keywords: p2p, overlay, multimedia, video, streaming
Implementation of some directional antenna radiation patterns for INET Framework by Juan-Carlos Maureira: CardioidPattern, CircularPattern, FoliumPattern, RosePattern.
Keywords: wireless, 802.11
opp_env install ecmp_allinone-latest
This is an extension of the INET Framework, and implements Equal-Cost Multi-Path (ECMP) routing in layer 2 for Clos networks.
Implemented by Juan Francisco Clemente Camacho.
Original project:
Keywords: routing
The EbitSim is an enhanced BitTorrent simulation with the following features:
For now, this model does not come with documentation other than the comments on the code.
Keywords: bittorrent, p2p
A simple Ethernet simulation for OMNeT++. This model has been merged into the INET Framework.
Keywords: ethernet
Ethernet, Fast Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet model. Includes MAC, LLC, switch, hub and bus models. Version 0.95 adds auto MAC address assignment, auto-configuration of transmission rate and duplex/half duplex mode, support for all frame types (Ethernet II, 802.3 with LLC, 802.3 with SNAP), and uses OMNeT++ 3.0a4’s controlInfo(). Sports a demo model with about 8000 computers and 900 switches and hubs, mixing all kinds of Ethernet technologies. Compatible with OMNeT++ 2.3p1 and 3.0a4 up. For use with 3.0a6 and up, supplied omnetpp.ini files have to be revised because changed meaning of ‘*’ (see 3.0a6 release notes).
This is a basic implementation of (1G) Ethernet Passive Optical Network (EPON) for OMNeT++ 4.1. OLT and ONU modules are provided. MPCP protocol has been implemented to assign LLIDs dynamically based on a global service configuration module. Service differentiation is based on 802.1Q VLANs (included). Basic implementation for both polling and non-polling DBAs is included (fixed allocation per ONU in both cases).
Keywords: pon, passive, optical, network
FIELDBUS is a simulation framework for industrial control networks. The main goal is the performance analysis and evaluation of communication protocols and network configurations of control networks. It contains models for three control network systems: Ethernet, ControlNet and DeviceNet.
Author: Dragan Isakovic
Keywords: fieldbus, ethernet, controlnet, devicenet
opp_env install flora-latest
FLoRa (Framework for LoRa) is a simulation framework for carrying out end-to-end simulations for LoRa networks. It is based on the OMNeT++ network simulator and uses components from the INET framework as well.
FLoRa allows the creation of LoRa networks with modules for LoRa nodes, gateway(s) and a network server. Application logic can be deployed as independent modules that are connected with the network server. The network server and nodes support dynamic management of configuration parameters through Adaptive Data Rate (ADR). Finally, the energy consumption statistics are collected in every node.
Authors: Mariusz Slabicki, Gopika Premsankar
Keywords: iot, lora, wsn, sensor, wireless
opp_env install fico4omnet-latest
Note: This project is in maintenance mode.
FiCo4OMNeT implements fieldbus communication. At this point the model consists of two communication technologies – CAN and FlexRay. Both of them are implemented according to the specification with some adaptions to fit in the simulation environment.
Implemented by the CoRE (Communication over Realtime Ethernet) research group with support from the INET (Internet Technologies) research group at the HAW Hamburg (Hamburg University of Applied Sciences). See also the related project Core4INET.
Keywords: vehicular, automotive, canbus, fieldbus, flexray
A simulation of the components involved in a file system implementation. This is one of the earliest models written for OMNeT++. Author: Joel Sherrill.
Keywords: filesystem, performance
Implementation of the draft-ietf-manet-fsr-01 and 02 internet drafts. The model was written by Marc Bechler at TU Braunschweig, Institute of Operating Systems and Computer Networks (IBR).
A complete set of tools for the conversion of network topologies following the Georgia Tech Internet Topology Model (GT-ITM) to the InetUnderlay model used by OverSim Framework.
This repository provides useful utilities to be used with the OMNeT++ network simulation framework. It contains the following subprojects:
Author: Wolfgang Wallner
Keywords: utility, library
This is a demo for visualizing a simulation using Google Earth. There is a video of this demo running as well on YouTube (see home page).
This download is for OMNeT++ 4.1 only – later versions contained this demo as an example simulation. Note that the Google Earth based visualization has been replaced by 3D visualization using OSG and osgEarth in recent OMNeT++ versions.
The demo simulates a wireless mobile ad-hoc network. The model contains a number of mobile nodes (cars) that move about randomly over a 2km-by-2km area. The nodes have identical radios, with a transmission range of about 500m; for simplicity, we assume that the area covered by each radio is a perfect circle. When two modes move within range of each other, they can communicate with each other, forming a (usually disconnected) ad-hoc network. The purpose of the simulation study could be to measure how long it takes to disseminate some piece of information to all nodes of the network. The communication itself is not modeled in this demo.
Visualization shows the mobile nodes themselves (a 3D car model), their recent trails, their transmission ranges (semi-transparent filled circles on the terrain), and the current connectivity of the network (cars that are closer than 500m are connected with a white line).
Keywords: 3d, visualization, terrain, mobility
opp_env install gradys-latest
A simulation framework developed for the GrADyS (Ground-and-Air Dynamic sensors networkS) project. This framework allows the simulation of interconnected network nodes and the implementation of UAV swarms and sensor coordination strategies with the objective of managing these autonomous UAV swarms to collect sensor data on the field autonomously and efficiently.
Related publication: “GrADyS-SIM – A OMNET++/INET simulation framework for Internet of Flying things”, Thiago Lamenza, Marcelo Paulon, Breno Perricone, Bruno Olivieri, Markus Endler.
Keywords: sensor network, uav, autonomous, swarm
HECIOS (High-End Computing I/O Simulator) provides an extensible simulation package well suited for performing quantitative evaluation of research topics in parallel I/O.
This simulator utilizes the INET framework. A compatible snapshot of INET is included in the source.
Author: Brad Settlemyer, Clemson University
Keywords: mpi, ethernet
HIPSim++ is a Host Identity Protocol (HIP) implementation for INET/OMNeT++, developed to provide a flexible toolset for testing and validation of HIP and its extensions. HIPSim++ is fully OMNeT++ 4.x compatible as it is built on the top of the 20090325 version of INET , and also uses the xMIPv6 additions created at the Dortmund University of Technology.
Keywords: routing, xmipv6
opp_env install hnocs-latest
NoC simulation is a key for NoC architectures research resulting from the huge incurred cost of VLSI prototypes production using modern manufacturing processes. Although several NoC simulators exist, they are either proprietary or built on non standard infrastructure. HNOCS is an open-source implementation of a NoC simulation framework using OMNeT++. The HNOCS framework utilizes the OMNeT++ module interface feature to support runtime selection of simulation modules from a library of parametrized components. For example by setting the opCalcType parameter from ‘XY’ to ‘XY/YX’ the simulation change to use a different output port selection algorithm. The models provided support heterogeneous NoC configuration in terms of link capacity and number of VCs. HNOCS modules available today implement wormhole switching, with round-robin or winner-takes-all arbitration. Current version of HNOCS contains different router implementations: synchronous, asynchronous and a full virtual output queuing (VOQ) with FIFO for each (input VC, output VC and output port) tuple.
Keywords: network-on-chip
Centralized network model based on Hiperlan/2.
Author: Imanol Martinez Coca, Telecommunications Department, Mondragon University, Spain
Keywords: wireless
The purpose of this project is to create a set of components for HTTP traffic simulation in the OMNeT++ discrete event simulator. Author: by Kristjan Jonsson.
HttpTools has been merged into INET Framework.
opp_env install gptp-latest
Note: This repository is no longer actively maintained, and the code has been integrated into the INET Framework. We recommend using INET for simulations involving gPTP.
General Precision Time Protocol (gPTP), well known by IEEE 802.1AS standard, for OMNeT++ 5.2 and INET 3.6.3.
Authors: Enkhtuvshin Janchivnyambuu, Henning Puttnies and Peter Danielis, University of Rostock
Presented at the 5th OMNeT++ Community Summit, Pisa 2018 (slides and paper available behind the link).
Keywords: ethernet, lan, timing, gptp, 802.1as
opp_env install ieee802154standalone-latest
IEEE 802.15.4-2006 simulation model for OMNeT++ / INET.
Keywords: 802.15.4, wsn, sensor, wireless, wpan
opp_env install inet-latest
INET Framework is an open-source model library for the OMNeT++ simulation environment. It provides protocols, agents and other models for researchers and students working with communication networks. INET is especially useful when designing and validating new protocols, or exploring new or exotic scenarios.
INET contains models for the Internet stack (TCP, UDP, IPv4, IPv6, OSPF, BGP, etc.), wired and wireless link layer protocols (Ethernet, PPP, IEEE 802.11, etc), support for mobility, MANET protocols, DiffServ, MPLS with LDP and RSVP-TE signalling, several application models, and many other protocols and components.
Several other simulation frameworks take INET as a base, and extend it into specific directions, such as vehicular networks, overlay/peer-to-peer networks, or LTE.
Keywords: tcp/ip, internet, lan, wan, manet, ad hoc, mobility, wpan, wsn, sensor, wireless, routing, ipv6, mipv6, diffserv, mpls, voip, ospf, bgp, rip, aodv, dsdv, dymo, gpsr, pim, ethernet, vlan, wifi, 802.11, 802.1d, 802.1q, 802.15.4, sensor mac, low-power mac
opp_env install inet_hnrl-latest
This is a new fork of INET Framework developed for hybrid networking research. The INET-HNRL provides new models in both optical and wireless networking areas and their hybrid. Currently, the following models and research frameworks have been implemented:
Author: Kyeong Soo (Joseph) Kim
Keywords: optical, wireless, hybrid, access network
opp_env install inetmanet3-latest
INETMANET is a fork of the INET Framework 3.x branch, containing additional adhoc routing protocols and other models written by the community.
Keywords: mobility, wireless, manet, ad hoc
opp_env install inetmanet4-latest
INETMANET 4.x is a fork of the INET Framework 4.x branch, maintained by Alfonso Ariza Quintana. INETMANET is kept up-to-date with INET, and extends it with a number of experimental features and protocols, mainly for mobile ad hoc networks, many them written by Alfonso Ariza.
Keywords: mobility, wireless, manet, ad hoc
The Internet Protocol Suite contains IPv4, TCP, UDP models, and support for QoS. This framework is the predecessor of INET Framework.
Authors: Klaus Wehrle, Jochen Reber, Dirk Holzhausen, Volker Boehm, Verena Kahmann, Ulrich Kaage et al.
License: GPL
Keywords: ipv4, tcp, udp
This is an InfiniBand model with support for the IB flow control scheme, Arbitration over multiple VLs, and routing based on Linear Forwarding Tables. Contributed by Eitan Zahavi, Mellanox Technologies Ltd.
Keywords: routing
This Mellanox-contributed InfiniBand simulation model is modeling the data-path of hosts and switches at the flit transfer level. The model can be used to estimate network performance under configurable hardware capabilities, timing and topologies.
This model is different from previous released model in several ways:
It is a port to 4.2.2 version.
It uses module interfaces to allow for plugging in multiple implementations of the forwarding (output port selection) module
Some more statistics add
New IB wire speed are defined (40/56 Gbps)
The models provided, do not indicate in their parameters default values nor in their code the exact capabilities or micro-architecture of Mellanox products.
Keywords: routing
JResultWriter is a Java library for recording simulation results in OMNeT++ 4.0 vector and scalar file format (.vec/.sca; see the OMNeT++ Manual), for use in 3rd party Java-based simulators. Simulation results can be evaluated with the OMNeT++ IDE. Author: Andras Varga.
Keywords: java, statistics
This is an extension that makes it possible to write OMNeT++ simple modules in Java. Java and C++-based simple modules can be freely mixed in simulations. Integration is not seamless though, there are limitations as to what OMNeT++ features are available, as well special coding rules to obey in the Java code. Releases exist for all major OMNeT++ releases.
Keywords: java, language, binding
This project enables writing simulation modules using the Java programming language for the OMNeT++ network simulator.
Please note that this project heavily bases on JSimpleModule (
It is also possible to have a mixed language network (e.g. some modules are written in C++ and some in Java). We also show how to interface to the INET library, as an example of how to interface between the Java world and existing C++ libs. There are two ways to use this project. You can either download a VM that runs out of the box or you can build up everything on your own using this repository. As a starting point, we highly recommend using the VM, as the JE4O base on Java Native Interface (JNI) and there are many pitfalls during the setup process.
Keywords: java, language, binding
OMNET++ implementation of LEACH (Low-energy adaptive clustering hierarchy) is a hierachical adhoc routing protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks based on IEEE 802.15.4 standard
Keywords: wireless, sensor, wsn, power
This project implements the Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH) protocol, a pioneering energy-efficient routing algorithm for wireless sensor networks (WSNs) using OMNeT++ and INET.
Feature | Description |
Protocol | LEACH (Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy) |
Network Type | Wireless Sensor Network |
Clustering | Dynamic, Probabilistic Cluster Head Election |
Energy Model | Adaptive Energy Consumption Tracking |
Visualization | Cluster and Energy State Representation |
W. R. Heinzelman, et al. “Energy-efficient communication protocol for wireless microsensor networks” (2000)
Keywords: leach
opp_env install lre_omnet-latest
This project provides an integration of the Limited Relative Error (LRE) algorithm into the OMNeT++ simulator. The LRE algorithm itself comes as a stand-alone implementation. (The LRE algorithm is an alternative statistical method for data evaluation. LRE continuously requests more samples until it deems the evaluation confident enough.)
Generally, the LRE entity subscribes to a signal whose name must be provided by the user. LRE will update its internal analysis each time a signal emission is captured, and if the relative errors calculated at each Markov chain state is small enough, LRE will end the simulation. The algorithm can be configured through the NED parameters.
This project was presented at the 5th OMNeT++ Community Summit (paper and slides behind the link).
Provided by the Institute of Communication Networks (ComNets), Hamburg University of Technology.
Keywords: statistics, confidence, lre
LimoSim represents a lightweight and integrated approach for simulating vehicular mobility directly in INET Framework, without the need for co-simulation with an external traffic simulator like SUMO.
LimoSim features a hierarchical driver model, which includes destination selection, path planning, lane selection, and adaptive cruise control.
LimoSim has been presented at 4th OMNeT++ Community Summit, Bremen 2017 (slides and paper available behind the link).
Author: Benjamin Sliwa, Communication Networks Institute, TU Dortmund
Keywords: vanet, vehicular, mobility
This repository contains materials on how to use Machine Learning (ML) frameworks in OMNeT++. These materials were also used in the presentation of the similar title at OMNeT++ Community Summit 2021.
Author: Daniel Stolpmann, Hamburg University of Technology, Institute of Communication Networks
Keywords: tool, machine learning
opp_env install mixim-latest
MiXiM is an OMNeT++ modeling framework created for mobile and fixed wireless networks (wireless sensor networks, body area networks, ad-hoc networks, vehicular networks, etc.). It offers detailed models of radio wave propagation, interference estimation, radio transceiver power consumption and wireless MAC protocols (e.g. Zigbee).
DEPRECATED - use INET Framework instead. Nearly all code in MiXiM have been merged into INET 3.x.
Keywords: manet, ad hoc, mobility, wireless, wsn, sensor, wpan, 802.15.4, power
MimicNet provides fast performance estimation for data center networks at scale, based on packet-level simulations and machine learning. From the abstract of the related paper:
At-scale evaluation of new data center network innovations is becoming increasingly intractable. This is true for testbeds, where few, if any, can afford a dedicated, full-scale replica of a data center. It is also true for simulations, which while originally designed for precisely this purpose, have struggled to cope with the size of today’s networks. This paper presents an approach for quickly obtaining accurate performance estimates for large data center networks. Our system,MimicNet, provides users with the familiar abstraction of a packet-level simulation for a portion of the network while leveraging redundancy and recent advances in machine learning to quickly and accurately approximate portions of the network that are not directly visible. MimicNet can provide over two orders of magnitude speedup compared to regular simulation for a data center with thousands of servers. Even at this scale, MimicNet estimates of the tail FCT, throughput, and RTT are within 5% of the true results.
MimicNet was developed at the Distributed Systems Lab, University of Pennsylvania.
The paper describes the details of the system: “MimicNet: fast performance estimates for data center networks with machine learning”, Qizhen Zhang, Kelvin K. W. Ng, Charles Kazer, Shen Yan, João Sedoc, Vincent Liu. SIGCOMM ‘21.
Keywords: data center, machine learning, mi, performance estimation
DEPRECATED: This model have been merged into the INET Framework.
Supports wireless and mobile simulations within OMNeT++. The core framework implements the support for node mobility, dynamic connection management and a wireless channel model. Additionally the core framework provides basic modules that can be derived in order to implement own modules. With this concept a programmer can easily develop own protocol implementations for the Mobility Framework (MF) without having to deal with the necessary interface and interoperability stuff.
Keywords: wireless, mobility
DEPRECATED: This model have been merged into the INET Framework.
A port of mobility-fw2.0p3 for OMNeT++ 4.0 simulator. The mobility framework provides abstractions needed to develop network protocols for non-stationary wireless nodes.
Keywords: mobility
opp_env install ndnomnet-latest
NDNOMNeT is an extension for OMNeT++ to simulate Named Data Networking (NDN) in IoT systems. It allows to quickly simulate and visualize NDN scenarios for research and teaching purposes. It includes a base implementation of NDN entities, simple forwarding strategy over wireless networks and typical NDN applications.
The repo contains a modified version of INET-3.5.0 with NDN components added, for example under src/inet/networklayer/ndn/.
The project was presented at the 5th OMNeT++ Community Summit, and received Best Community Contribution award. (Slides and paper behind the link.)
Author: Amir Abane
Keywords: ndn, iot
opp_env install neta_allinone-latest
NETwork Attacks (NETA) is a framework devised to simulate attacks in heterogeneous networks using OMNeT++ and the INET-Framework. NETA is aimed to be an useful tool in the network security field. This tool could make easy to demonstrate the effectiveness of defense security techniques or solutions against network attacks as well as for comparing the capabilities of different defense techniques.
Keywords: security, attack
This software package is used to co-simulate wireless networks and physical systems in cyber-physical system (CPS) evaluation.
The wireless network simulator is built upon the INET and MiXiM libraries. It enables the following features in the discrete event packet-level network simulation:
The physical system simulator is based on the Tennessee Eastman simulator C++ code. It works as an independent function module in OMNET++ platform and share the same global clock with the radios (no time synchronization issues).
Documentation is available in the repo.
Author: YongKang Liu, NIST
Keywords: cps, wireless, 802.15.4, sensor, wsn, wpan, 802.11
opp_env install nesting-latest
Note: This repository is no longer actively maintained. We recommend using the INET Framework for new TSN simulation projects instead. INET Framework, starting with version 4.4, contains substantial support for TSN modeling, with documentation and showcase example simulations.
NeSTiNg is a simulation model for Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN). It uses the INET Framework and enhances it by TSN-capable components. The model was initially developed by a group of students during a curricular project and is continuously extended at the Distributed Systems group of IPVS, University of Stuttgart.
David Hellmanns, one of the simulation authors, presented NeSTiNg at the September 2018 IEEE 802.1 Working Group interim meeting in Oslo, Norway; see
Keywords: vehicular, automotive, ethernet, 802.1q, avb, srp, tsn, vlan
NesCT allows you to simulate TinyOS-based sensor networks with OMNeT++. Technically, it translates TinyOS applications written in the NesC languange to C++ simulation code.
Keywords: wsn, wpan, tinyos, nesc, sensor, wireless
Neurogenesis is a framework which allows a large number of OMNeT++ simulations (or with a bit of work, arbitrary jobs) to be distributed to several cluster computers. It uses the mpi4py MPI wrapper for distribution of jobs.
Keywords: cluster computing, simulation campaign, batch run, mpi
NoSSim is a network/system co-simulation framework that combines a fast and accurate host-compiled full system simulator with a standard, reconfigurable OMNeT++ network simulation backplane. Detailed models of network interfaces and protocol stacks (lwIP) are integrated into host-compiled system and OS models to allow accurately capturing network and system interactions.
NoSSim is demonstrated with two IoT application scenarios with different sets of network/system configurations.
Keywords: full system, os, iot, systemc, cosimulation, lwip
The goal of this project was to implement Mobile WiMax, IPv6 autoconfiguration (with focus on DHCPv6) and some of the mobility related mechanisms in the OMNeT++ environment.
Keywords: 802.16e 2005, xmipv6, wimax, ipv6, dhcpv6, mobility
opp_env install obs-latest
OBS Modules is a set of modules to simulate Optical Burst Switching networks in the OMNeT++ framework.
Keywords: obs, optical
Adds NED export to the BRITE topology generator (
Usage: Download BRITE from, untar it, cd into its directory, then run the following command:
patch -p 1 < brite21-omnetpp.patch
If you’re running Windows, you can get patch.exe from e.g. UnxUtils or Cygwin.
Keywords: brite, topology generation
OMPCM is an implementation of the Palladio Component Model based on the OMNeT++ simulation framework. As OMNeT++ offers full network simulation support, the influence of network effects on a modeled system can be investigated. It uses a specialised representation for description of RD-SEFF behavior called SimCore. By applying a series of model-transformations, a Palladio model can be transformed full automatically to a OMNeT++ network definition file (NED) that uses the developed OMPCM modules.
OMPCM was presented at 6th OMNeT++ Workshop (Cannes, 2013).
Palladio itself is a software architecture simulation approach which analyses software at the model level for performance bottlenecks, scalability issues, reliability threats, and allows for a subsequent optimisation.
Keywords: uml, software architecture simulation, performance
opp_env install ops_allinone-latest
OPS is a set of simulation models for the simulation of opportunistic networks. It has a modular architecture where different protocols relevant to opportunistic networks can be developed and plugged in.
OPS is being developed in the Sustainable Communication Networks group at University of Bremen, Germany.
Keywords: manet, mobility, opportunistic networking
opp_env install opslite-latest
A lightweight opportunistic networking simulator in OMNeT++ from the Communication Networks Working Group, University of Bremen.
Keywords: manet, mobility, opportunistic networking
opp_env install os3-latest
OS³, the Open Source Satellite Simulator, was developed as a framework for simulating various kinds of satellite-based communication, based on OMNeT++. The aim was to create a platform that makes evaluating satellite communication protocols as easy as possible. OS³ is also be able to automatically import real satellite tracks and weather data to simulate conditions at a certain point in the past or in the future, and offer powerful visualization.
OS³ enables a comfortable and thorough analysis of complex scenarios which may be infeasible to test in reality. Starting anywhere from calculating attenuation losses for earth-bound receivers up to complex mobility scenarios, the variety of topics is only limited by creativity. For example, users are able to test new protocols or satellite orbits and evaluate the resulting performance pertaining to SNR, bit error rate, packet loss, round trip time, jitter, reachability, and other measures.
OS³ was developed at the Communication Networks Institute, TU Dortmund, Germany.
Keywords: aerospace, wireless, mobility, satellite
opp_env install opencv2x_veins-latest
OpenCV2X is an open source implementation of the 3GPP standard CV2X (Rel 14) Mode 4. It is based on an extended version of the SimuLTE OMNeT++ simulator which enables LTE network simulations.
Two variants are available. The first integrates with the Artery framework to provide full ITS-G5 standardisation across the entire communication stack. The second integrates with Veins only. (Note: the GitHub URL points to the repository containing the Artery variant only. A visit the project page to access the other variant and release tarballs.)
Keywords: vanet, vehicular, mobility, ad hoc, v2x, wireless, cosimulation
opp_env install openflow-latest
Simulation model of the OpenFlow system based on the OpenFlow switch specification 1.0, developed at the University of Würzburg.
Software Defined Networking (SDN) is a new paradigm for communication networks which separates the control plane from the data plane of forwarding elements. This way, SDN constitutes a flexible architecture that allows quick and easy configuration of network devices. OpenFlow is currently the most prominent approach which implements the SDN concept and offers a high flexibility in the routing of network flows.
The model was originally presented at the 6th International Workshop on OMNeT++ (Cannes, 2013) by authors Dominik Klein and Michael Jarschel, for INET-2.0 and OMNeT++ 4.2.
Porting to newer OMNeT++ and INET versions has been done by other teams in forked GitHub repositories:
Original authors: Dominik Klein Michael Jarschel, Chair of Communication Networks (Informatik III), Institute of Computer Science, University of Würzburg. Links: OMNeT++2013 paper, presentation slides, original git repository, original web site (inaccessible as of 2023)
Keywords: ethernet, sdn
opp_env install oppbsd-latest
OppBSD integrates essential parts of the real FreeBSD networking stack into OMNeT++ as a simulation model. Every simulated host (or router) runs its own copy of the FreeBSD kernel’s networking stack. Consequently, the simulation model is very accurate, i.e., almost behaving like a real implementation. Release 4.0 works with OMNeT++ v4.3 (alternatively v4.1, v4.2) and provides IPv6 support. Presently, the package covers the full TCP/IP stack including IPv4, IPv6, UDP, TCP, ICMP, ICMPv6, ARP, ND, sockets and Ethernet frames.
Keywords: ipv6, tcp, ipv4, udp, icmpv6, arp, nd, ethernet
opp_env install oversim-latest
OverSim is an open-source overlay and and peer-to-peer network simulation framework for the OMNeT++ simulation environment. The simulator contains several models for structured (e.g. Chord, Kademlia, Pastry) and unstructured (e.g. GIA) peer-to-peer protocols.
OverSim was developed at the Institute of Telematics, Universität Karlsruhe (TH) within the scope of the ScaleNet project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
Keywords: p2p, chord, kademlia, pastry, gia
PASER stands for Position Aware Secure and Efficient Mesh Routing and describes a novel efficient secure routing protocol for wireless mesh networks. The protocol aims to achieve an acceptable trade-off between security and performance of the routing process in wireless mesh networks. The protocol has been designed at the communication networks institute headed by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Wietfeld at the TU Dortmund University in Germany.
GitHub repositories:
Keywords: mesh, ad hoc, routing
PAWiS is an OMNeT++-based simulation framework for the optimization of wireless sensor networks (WSN). The simulator has been developed within the PAWiS project at the Institute of Computer Technology, University of Technology, Vienna. WSNs require nodes with exceptionally low power consumption, yet have to drive sensors and radio communication. Common optimization approaches concentrate on modules to make every module as good as possible, but this approach only reveals local optima. In contrast, the PAWiS Framework targets on cross layer and cross module optimization to find global optimum.
Keywords: sensor, wsn, wireless, power
Pithos is a reliable, responsive, secure, fair and scalable distributed storage system, ideally suited to P2P MMVEs (peer-to-peer massively multi-user virtual environments). The Pithos simulation model is implemented in Oversim, which runs on the OMNeT++ network simulator.
Pithos represents the implementation work of the PhD of John Sebastian Gilmore under Dr. Herman Engelbrecht at the Stellenbosch University’s MIH Media lab.
Keywords: p2p, overlay, mmve, distributed, storage
Implementation of the model described in the paper “Asynchronous Parallel Discrete Event Simulation” by Lin and Fishwick, 1995.
Authors: Josef Aichhorn, Zenon Huskic
Keywords: wireless
PhoenixSim (Photonic and Electronic Network Integration and Execution Simulator) is a simulation environment for designing and analyzing the performance of photonic interconnection networks, developed by the Lightwave Research Laboratory at Columbia University in the City of New York.
PhoenixSim enables detailed studies of electronic networks, photonic networks, and hybrid networks (ones that leverage a combination of both technology domains). The simulator is highly extensible and is currently being used within the Lightwave Research Laboratory on projects for the design of on- and off-Chip photonic communications for multi-processor systems, and the design of nanophotonic optical broadband switches (NOBS).
Currently, the simulator supports the ability to model and characterize many important properties of photonic interconnection networks including propagation delay, insertion loss, extinction ratio, spectral resonant profiles, area occupation, and energy dissipation. Moreover, future extensions will support the modeling of thermal variations, optical nonlinearities, as well as three-dimensional integration. In the realm of electronics, the simulator includes a router model that can be used to model advanced electronic networks and hybrid networks.
Note: the original project web page is no longer online.
Keywords: photonic, hybrid, nobs, optical, network-on-chip
Plexe is an extension of the popular Veins vehicular network simulator which permits the realistic simulation of platooning (i.e., automated car-following) systems. It features realistic vehicle dynamics and several cruise control models, permitting the analysis of control systems, large-scale and mixed scenario, as well as networking protocols and cooperative maneuvers.
Keywords: vanet, vehicular, mobility, ad hoc, ivc, 802.11p, 1609.4, wireless, cosimulation
A Precision Time Protocol (PTP) module for OMNeT++ INET 2.6. Allows to measure the PTP accuracy under different configurations and traffic loads, using any INET components (routers, etc.). PTP is implemented as a UDP application.
Author: Martin Levesque
Keywords: timing, ptp
opp_env install processbus_allinone-latest
This project contains an OMNeT++/INET extension to support IEC61850 process bus communication (GOOSE and SV). The followings simulation models were developed:
IEC 61850 is an international standard defining communication protocols for intelligent electronic devices at electrical substations.
Keywords: electrical, grid, process, bus
opp_env install quisp-latest
The Quantum Internet Simulation Package (QuISP) is an event-driven simulation of quantum repeater networks, which will be the foundation of the coming Quantum Internet. QuISP’s goal is to simulate a full Quantum Internet consisting of up to 100 networks of up to 100 nodes each. Its focus is on protocol design and emergent behavior of complex, heterogeneous networks at large scale, while keeping the physical layer as realistic as possible.
QuISP is a product of the Advancing Quantum Architecture (AQUA) research group headed by Prof. Rodney Van Meter, at Keio University’s Shonan Fujisawa Campus, Fujisawa, Japan. See and the list of Authors.
Keywords: quantum quantum-internet quantum-computing
opp_env install quagga-latest
This is a port of the Quagga routing daemon into the INET Framework. Quagga-based routers in a simulated network are configured using normal quagga config files. Author: Vojta Janota. Ported to OMNeT++ 4.0 by Andras Varga.
Keywords: routing, ospfv2, ospfv3, ripv1, ripv2, ripng, bgpv4
Queues is a queueing network tutorial and basic queueing library for OMNeT++ by Nick van Foreest.
Keywords: queue
This is a plugin for R that allows you to load result files generated by OMNeT++
$ R CMD INSTALL omnetpp_0.6-1.tar.gz
NOTE: You may need to install the ‘reshape’ package before installing omnetpp.
Keywords: statistics
RIMFading is an implementation of the RIMFading Radio Propagation Model in 2D and 3D for the INET Framework. This implementation work has been done at Sustainable Communication Networks Group, University of Bremen, Germany.
Keywords: wireless, pathloss, propagation
opp_env install rinasim-latest
RINASim is a stand-alone OMNeT++ model framework for the simulation of RINA-based networks. RINA (Recursive InterNetwork Architecture) itself is a new (and complete) clean-slate architecture that tries to touch and codify every part of communication within computer networks.
The main purpose is to offer the community with reliable and the most up-to-date tool (in the sense of RINA specification compliance) for simulating RINA-based computer networks. RINASim at its current state represents an entirely working implementation of the simulation environment for RINA. The simulator contains all mechanisms of RINA according to the current specification. RINASim does not depend on INET or any other external library.
RINASim was developed at Brno University of Technology. The developmnent started as one of the FP7 EU PRISTINE deliverables, and continues beyond the end of the project.
Keywords: rina, network, architecture
opp_env install rspsim-latest
RSPSIM (Reliable Server Pooling Simulation) is the Open Source simulation model of the IETF Reliable Server Pooling (RSerPool) architecture, a novel framework for pool and session management. The Reliable Server Pooling (RSerPool) architecture (defined by RFC 5351 to RFC 5356) is an overlay network framework to provide server replication and session failover capabilities to its applications. Server redundancy leads to load distribution and load balancing, which are also covered by RSerPool. But in strong contrast to other solutions in the area of cloud and high-performance computing, the fundamental property of RSerPool is to be “lightweight”, i.e. it can also be used on devices providing only meagre memory and CPU resources (e.g. embedded systems like telecommunications equipment or routers).
A detailed introduction to the model can be found in T. Dreibholz, “Reliable Server Pooling – Evaluation, Optimization and Extension of a Novel IETF Architecture”.
RSPSIM had originally been started as a project at the Institute for Experimental Mathematics of the University of Duisburg-Essen in Essen, Germany. It is now maintained at the Simula Research Laboratory in Oslo, Norway.
Author: Thomas Dreibholz, Simula Research Laboratory
Keywords: rserpool, asap, enrp, calcapp
Author: Matthias Oppitz
License: GPL
Keywords: rtpv2
opp_env install rease-latest
The ReaSE framework provides a graphical user interface for generation of NED files including a realistic topology and necessary traffic generation entities. In addition, OMNeT++ and the INET framework are extended in a way that hierarchical routing and traffic generation are enabled within a user’s simulation model.
ReaSE is developed at the Institute of Telematics, University of Karlsruhe.
Keywords: traffic generation, topology generation
SCSI bus model.
opp_env install seapp-latest
SEA++ is an attack simulator which helps the user to quantitatively evaluate the impact of security attacks. SEA++ is compatible with both traditional and SDN architectures. More details about SEA++ and how to use it can be found in the seapp-manual directory: SEA++ Manual.
Authors: Francesco Racciatti, Alexandra Stagkopoulou, Marco Tiloca, Gianluca Dini (University of Pisa, Italy, and SICS, Sweden).
Keywords: security, attack, sdn
opp_env install simcan-latest
A simulation platform for modelling and simulating distributes architectures and applications.
The main goal of SIMCAN is to simulate large complex storage networks. Moreover, with this simulator, high performance applications can be modelled in large distributed environments. Thus, SIMCAN can be used for evaluating and predicting the impact of high performance applications on overall system performance. SIMCAN is based on the INET Framework, and features an own GUI.
SIMCAN also provides a MPI-based API for simulating MPI applications in the modelled architectures.
Keywords: hpc, cloud, data center, storage network, mpi, performance
STEAM-Sim establishes a hardware/software/network co-simulation of wireless sensor networks.
Original C code is used in simulation. The code is natively executed by the CPU where the simulation is run. The time annotation engine annotates the C source code used for simulation with the timing information as if the code is run on a microcontroller. The annotation process is fully automated.
Hardware models are developed using the PAWiS framework and reflect the timing, functionality, and energy-consumption of real-world hardware such as a CC2420 radio transceiver.
Network behavior in terms of wireless channel models are provided by the PAWiS and the MiXiM framework.
STEAM-Sim is an extension to the PAWiS and MiXiM framework. The underlying simulator is OMNeT++. Please see the corresponding documentation.
Contiki v2.6 operating system was also ported to STEAM-Sim, thus it is possible to run Contiki-based code in the simulation.
Author: Georg Möstl, Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria
Keywords: wireless, mobility, sensor
opp_env install swim_allinone-latest
SWIMMobility is an implementation of the Small Worlds in Motion (SWIM) mobility model in the OMNeT++ Simulator. This implementation work has been done as part of the student projects at Sustainable Communication Networks Group, University of Bremen, Germany.
Keywords: opportunistic networking, mobility, manet, ad hoc
This model is a useful modification of the well-known self-similar traffic model “M/G/∞ Input”. The package is designed for the analysis of real WAN traffic traces, identification of model parameters and generation of a synthetic traffic, which is close to real one by a number of characteristics simultaneously. These characteristics include traffic value probability distribution, normalized auto-correlation function and Hurst parameter.
The original download page is no longer accessible, but the code is still available as part of another project on GitHub. See download URL.
Keywords: traffic generation
SimDistribution is a GUI for distribution of OMNeT++ [3.x] simulations on different computers. This software includes server and simulation management and uses Java SWT and Web Services.
Keywords: cluster computing, simulation campaign, batch run
opp_env install simproctc-latest
The Simulation Processing Tool-Chain (SimProcTC) is a model-independent, flexible tool-chain for the setup, parallel run execution, results aggregation and data analysis for OMNeT++. It is based on GNU R and Reliable Server Pooling (RSerPool).
A detailed description of SimProcTC can be found in Appendix B of “Evaluation and Optimisation of Multi-Path Transport using the Stream Control Transmission Protocol”.
Author: Thomas Dreibholz, Simula Research Laboratory
Keywords: cluster computing, simulation campaign, batch run, statistics
SimSANs (Simulating Storage Area Networks) is an OMNeT++-based Data Center Storage Networking design and simulation tool. It is especially useful in infrastructure design and I/O performance analysis of SCSI over Fibre Channel and FCoE based data center storage networks.
SAN Infrastructure Design
SimSANs is a convenient SAN infrastructure design tool for transitioning existing FC (Fibre Channel) SAN into emerging converged data center SAN, aka FCoE (Fibre Channel over Ethernet) SAN. It allows the SAN designers or engineers to dry-run the exact real-world SAN deployments, study the network behavior and performance bottleneck, and therefore come up the best solution to smoothly transitioning FC SAN into FC/FCoE mixed SAN, and eventually to FCoE SAN.
SCSI Traffic I/O Performance Analysis
SimSANs is an easy-to-use simulation tool to help study FC/FCoE SAN based SCSI I/O performance including I/O throughput and IOPS (I/O Per Second). It precisely simulates all major SAN components throughout the I/O path in the SAN, but hides enough protocol implementation details to allow user run the simulations just like they operate the daily SAN management, administration, and I/O application tasks in the real world. This is all realized via a set of well designed GUI tools coupled with high-speed simulation core.
Previous web site (versions 1.x and 2.x):
Keywords: scsi, fcoe, san
A very simple simulation of a GSM network. Documentation is only available in Hungarian.
Authors: Norbert Kardos, Laszlo Magori License: GPL Requires: OMNeT++ 2.0b5
Keywords: gsm
A generic bus module which implements propagation delay modeling, data rate modeling and optional collision modeling. OBSOLETED BY BUS MODEL IN THE ETHERNET PACKAGE.
Keywords: ethernet
opp_env install simu5g-latest
Simu5G is a simulator for 5G NewRadio and LTE/LTE-A networks for OMNeT++ and INET frameworks.
Simu5G simulates the data plane of the 5G RAN and core network. It allows simulation of 5G communications in both Frequency Division Duplexing (FDD) and Time Division Duplexing (TDD) modes, with heterogeneous gNBs (macro, micro, pico etc.), possibly communicating via the X2 interface to support handover and inter-cell interference coordination. Device-to-device communications and Dual Connectivity between an eNB (LTE base station) and a gNB (5G NR base station) are also available.
Simu5G is the result of a joint research project carried out by Intel Corporation and the Computer Networking Group of the University of Pisa, Italy
Keywords: 3gpp, wireless, gsm, voip, 5g
opp_env install simulte-latest
Note: SimuLTE has been superseded by Simu5G, which contains support for both the LTE and 5G protocol stack.
SimuLTE is an innovative simulation tool that enables complex system-level performance evaluation of LTE and LTE Advanced networks (3GPP Release 8 and beyond) on the OMNeT++ framework. SimuLTE is fully customizable via a simple pluggable interface, and allows one to extend it with new algorithms and protocols.
SimuLTE is built on the INET Framework, and extends it with LTE user plane protocols. eNodeB and UE models are provided. SimuLTE also includes a form-based configuration editor.
SimuLTE was developed at University of Pisa, Italy.
Keywords: 3gpp, wireless, gsm, voip
opp_env install solarleach-latest
This is a simulation of LEACH (Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy), a well-known cluster-based protocol for sensor networks with an extension to make it solar-aware.
This simulation was created for the following paper:
Thiemo Voigt, Hartmut Ritter, Jochen Schiller, Adam Dunkels, and Juan Alonso. Solar-aware Clustering in Wireless Sensor Networks. In Proceedings of the Ninth IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, June 2004.
“Energy conservation plays a crucial in wireless sensor networks since such networks are designed to be placed in hostile and non-accessible areas. While battery-driven sensors will run out of battery sooner or later, the use of renewable energy sources such as solar power or gravitation may extend the lifetime of a sensor network. We propose to utilize solar power in wireless sensor networks and extend LEACH, a well-known cluster-based protocol for sensor networks to become solar-aware. The presented simulation results show that making LEACH solar-aware significantly extends the lifetime of sensor networks.”
Keywords: wireless, sensor, wsn, power
opp_env install stochasticbattery-latest
An OMNeT++ simulation for stochastic battery behavior. It implements the Stochastic Battery Model by Chiasserini and Rao.
This is a standalone simulation model which is of little use in itself, but could be integrated into INET Framework.
Documentation is available in the repo.
Authors: Eike Brandt, Florian Schaffarzyk (ComNets Group, University of Bremen)
Keywords: power
opp_env install streetlightsim-latest
StreetlightSim is a research project at the Pervasive Systems Centre, University of Southampton which is developed specifically to evaluate Autonomous and Adaptive Street Lighting Schemes based on Road User’s presence detection over wireless sensor networks (WSN). StreetlightSim has been used to evaluate the performance of various street lighting schemes based on an actual streetlight network in terms of their energy efficiency and utility (a performance metric to measure the usefulness of street lighting to road users)
Keywords: iot, sumo, wsn, sensor, wireless, power, cosimulation
opp_env install tcp_fit_illinois-latest
This project is an attempt to implement TCP-Fit and TCP-Illinois congestion control mechanisms for OMNeT++ and INET.
This is a trace-based UMTS Simulation (TBUS) for OMNeT++ and VSimRTI. The project was created within the Master’s Thesis of Raphael Bialon, and licensed under the MIT license.
Note that applications are in an additional GitHub repo:
Alternative URL:
Keywords: vanet, vehicular, mobility, ad hoc, wireless, sumo, cosimulation
U2Q is a tool that allows developers to estimate the performance of a system prior to prototypes based on UML models only.
U2Q is the implementation of a design methodology that allows developers to estimate the performance of a system in very early stages of development where no prototypes are yet available. Starting from a functional UML system model, the developer enhances the system model by incorporating performance annotations. From this performance aspects enhanced system model, U2Q generates Queueing Networks as performance models which then may be analysed using analytical or simulative approaches. The tool itself smoothly integrates into Telelogic Tau G2 3.1 and brings a command line version.
Keywords: uml, queueing, performance
This project is a Veins-based solutions for VANET communication with OMNeT++.
Keywords: vanet, vehicular, ad hoc, aodv, gpsr, georouting
VENTOS is an open-source integrated VANET C++ simulator for studying vehicular traffic flows, collaborative driving, and interactions between vehicles and infrastructure through DSRC-enabled wireless communication capability. VENTOS is useful for researchers in transportation engineering, control theory and vehicular networking fields. VENTOS is being developed in Rubinet Lab, UC Davis since 2013 and is the main tool in the C3PO project.
Keywords: vanet, vehicular, platoon, mobility, ad hoc, ivc, v2x, dsrc, wave, 802.11p, 1609.4, wireless, cosimulation
VNS is a simulation framework that completely integrates the mobility and network components in a transparent and efficient way, reducing the overhead of communication and synchronization between different simulators. VNS provides bi-directionally interaction between a microscopic mobility model and network simulators such as OMNeT++.
VNS was developed by Ricardo Fernandes at DCC-FCUP and Instituto de Telecomunicações, Porto, supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the doctoral grant (SFRH/BD/61676/2009).
Update: The project’s original web site has been unavailable since the author’s home directory was deleted from the university server a few years ago. Git repositories are still available at the URLs below.
Keywords: mobility, vehicular
V2X Simulation Runtime Infrastructure (VSimRTI) is a comprehensive framework for the assessment of new solutions for Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems. VSimRTI couples different simulators, such as traffic similators like SUMO and VISSIM to allow the simulation of the various aspects of future Intelligent Transportation Systems.
VSimRTI uses an ambassador concept inspired by some fundamental concepts of the High Level Architecture (HLA). For immediate use, a set of simulators is already coupled with VSimRTI, for example:
VSimRTI is developed at the Daimler Center for Automotive Information Technology Innovations (DCAITI) at TU Berlin.
Keywords: mobility, v2x, vehicular, vanet, hla, rti, cosimulation
opp_env install veins-latest
Veins is an open source Inter-Vehicular Communication (IVC) simulation framework composed of an event-based network simulator (OMNeT++) and a road traffic simulator (SUMO), using cosimulation. Versions before 3.0 required INET or MiXiM, later versions can be used without these frameworks.
Keywords: vanet, vehicular, mobility, ad hoc, ivc, 802.11p, 1609.4, wireless, cosimulation
Veins-Gym exports Veins simulations as OpenAI Gyms. This enables the application of Reinforcement Learning algorithms to solve problems in the VANET domain, using particular popular frameworks such as Tensorflow or PyTorch.
Developed at the Technical University of Berlin, Department of Telecommunication Systems, Telecommunication Networks Group.
Keywords: tool, ml, machine learning
opp_env install veins_vlc-latest
Veins VLC extends Veins vehicular network simulation framework with channel models for Vehicular Visible Light Communication (V-VLC). It enables the investigation of different aspects of V-VLC networks, including a range of different applications (e.g., platooning), higher layer protocols (e.g., medium access) and heterogeneous networks combining V-VLC and IEEE 802.11p DSRC.
Recent advances in Light Emitting Diode (LED) technology have lead to the adoption of LEDs in exterior automotive lighting. The fast switching property of LEDs allows data transmission over the visible light medium. If combined with adequate receivers, e.g., high frequency photodiodes, camera image sensor, visual light communication becomes possible.
Developed at the Telecommunication Networks Group, Technical University of Berlin.
Keywords: vlc, visual light, vanet, vehicular, mobility, ad hoc, ivc, 802.11p, 1609.4, wireless
This is the code from, updated for OMNeT++ 3.0, reindented a little bit, and very long function split up (more such refactoring will be needed). Still has some file reading problem.
Keywords: video, multimedia
DEPRECATED - This is already integrated into INET 3.x. A realistic VoIP traffic generation and evaluation tool for OMNeT++ and the INET Framework, by Martin Renwanz & Mathias Bohge.
Keywords: voip
Remote interface for the OMNeT++ simulator that allows for live modification of parameters as well as for monitoring of events. It is based on web technologies and allows for convenient creation of customized interactive interfaces for conferences, fairs or teaching environments.
Authors: Janina Hellwege, Maximilian Köstler, Florian Kauer at Institute of Telematics, Hamburg University of Technology
Keywords: web, interface, gui, live, monitoring
This is a simulator for WDM networks, built using OMNet++3.0 on WinXP. It was written for my dissertation. I am going to graduate soon, and I thought about sharing it with others who want to realize similar simulations.
The network structure built is HORNET (Hybrid Opto-electronic Ring NETwork) which is proposed by Stanford University [1,2].
There are several (no more than 100) nodes in the fiber optic network. They are connected in a ring. Every one of them owns a certain unique wavelength as its address wavelength. So the network can be thought as a WDMA (Wavelength Division Multiple Access) one. Also, a situation where several nodes share the same wavelength is allowed. Of course, it is makes sense for the number of wavelengths to be bigger than that of nodes. The whole network is divided to slots ring, a packet can be transferred to all other nodes in every wavelength per time slot.
Chao Xiong, March 2006.
[1] I.M.White et al., ‘A Summary of HORNET Project: A Next-Generation Metropolitan Area Network’, IEEE JSAC, vol.21, no.9, Nov.2003, pp.1478-94
[2] I.M.White, ‘A New Architecture and Technologies for High-Capacity-Next-Generation Metropolitan Networks’, Ph.D.dissertation, Stanford University, 2002
Keywords: wdm, optical, hornet
opp_env install chaosmanager-latest
An automated hard faul injection tool inspired by Chaos Engineering principles for MANETs. This tool has been tested extensively on LEACH for OMNETPP.
Keywords: wireless, sensor, wsn, power
opp_env install wifidirect_allinone-latest
INET Framework 3.5, modified to add WiFi Direct functionality.
Author: Ahmed Amer Shahin
Keywords: 802.11, wifi direct, wireless
ccnSim is an extremely scalable chunk-level simulator of Information and Content Centric Networks (ICN/CCN) written in C++ under the OMNeT++ framework. It allows the simulation of forwarding and caching strategies, cache decision policies, content request model, and so on.
ccnSim features three simulation engines:
A classic event-driven engine that allows to assess CCN performance in scenarios with large orders of magnitude for CCN content stores (up to 10^6 chunks) and Internet catalog sizes (up to 10^8 files) on off-the-shelf hardware (i.e, a PC with a fair amount of RAM).
ModelGraft, a new hybrid modeling/simulation engine that allows for unprecedented scalability: with respect to the (highly optimized) execution times of event driven simulation in v0.3, the new technique allow simulation of much larger networks catalogs and content stores on an exiguous amount of RAM and with over 100x reduction of simulation duration.
Finally, a novel parallel simulation engine that achieves 100x gain over ModelGraft and thus a 10000x gain over event-driven simulation! The new technique (referred to as CS-POST-MT in true) proposes to, instead of slicing nodes of the network over multiple cores, to slice independent portions of the catalog over multiple cores. In contrast to network slicing, which would incur significant MPI overhead, the new technique exhibits an ideal speedup in the number of cores, which justify the above speedups).
Parallel version:
Paper: Chiocchetti, Raffaele, Rossi, Dario and Rossini, Giuseppe, “ccnSim: an Highly Scalable CCN Simulator.” In IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), June 2013.
Keywords: web, caching
Model for Cognitive Radio Ad hoc Network Simulations in OMNeT++. CrSimulator is developed at Integrated Communication Systems Group at Ilmenau University of Technology, Ilmenau, Germany.
Keywords: cognitive radio, wireless
opp_env install icancloud-latest
iCanCloud is a simulation platform aimed at modeling and simulating cloud computing systems, which is targeted to those users who deal closely with those kinds of systems. The main objective of iCanCloud is to predict the trade-offs between cost and performance of a given set of applications executed in a specific hardware, and then provide to users useful information about such costs. However, iCanCloud can be used by a wide range of users, from basic active users to developers of large distributed applications.
Keywords: cloud, performance
opp_env install libara_allinone-latest
An enhanceable framework for developing and testing the Ant Routing Algorithm (ARA) as proposed by M. Güneş, U. Sorges and I. Bouazizi in 2002. Built on INETMANET.
Keywords: antnet, aco, routing
LibPTP is an implementation of the Precision Time Protocol (PTP) as it is specified in IEEE 1588-2008 in the simulation framework OMNeT++. LibPTP uses models of standard network components from the INET library, and extends them with PTP functionality.
Keywords: timing, libptp
MCoA enables the registration of multiple care of addresses for Mobile IPv6 nodes. mCoA++ is an implementation for OMNeT++ that extends xMIPv6 simulation model. The code is contributed by Bruno Sousa and Marco Silva from Laboratory of Communications and Telematics (LCT) of University of Coimbra, in Portugal.
The mission of the oProbe open source project is to provide an instrument that produces statistically sound results at known quality. Stochastic sampling from a network of queues demands both confidence and correlation control.
An important design goal is to be compatible with the OMNeT++ 3.3 framework without introducing changes to this code, as well as making it easy for existing simulators to make use of oProbe. The oProbe project introduces a probe module, which is a new simple module in the context of OMNeT++. A probe is the instrument that applies a controlled stochastic sampling technique. The probe module may have any number of probes. The oProbe project supports different interface levels according to the functionality required. Based on the FIFO queue example included in the sample directory in OMNeT++, the oProbe project provides example code on how the software can be used by existing or upcoming OMNeT++ based simulators.
Keywords: statistics
oTWLAN models a wireless ad-hoc network, which supports multi-level precedence and preemption (MLPP) over a DSSS radio. This open source project facilitates throughput/delay performance study through a GUI based user interface. oTWLAN has many similar characteristics to WLAN (IEEE 802.11) but also provides a 100kbps radio channel for enlarged radio coverage, relaying of traffic for increased service coverage area and priority handling of user traffic. The latter is especially important for military and emergency network. The simulator has been developed within the GOSIKT project at the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment where we study the performance of PKI over tactical ad-hoc networks. Chapter 2 in the user manual included in this open source project illustrates the usage of the simulator while other chapters describe the network protocols implemented.
This version requires OMNeT++ 3.3 and INET-20061020.
Keywords: sensor, wsn, wpan, wireless, mlpp
This is an extension that makes it possible to write OMNeT++ simple modules in Python. Python and C++-based simple modules can be freely mixed in simulations.
You might want to consider omnetpy if:
For convenience, omnetpy is also available packaged as a Docker container.
omnetpy was written by Marcos Modenesi, an associate professor at University of Cordoba.
Additional resources:
Keywords: python, language, binding
opp_env install opendsme_allinone-latest
openDSME is an open source portable implementation of IEEE 802.15.4 DSME, developed at the Institute of Telematics at Hamburg University of Technology. The INET-DSME subproject provides code to integrate openDSME in the OMNeT++ simulator by using the INET framework.
DSME itself is a recent extension of the IEEE 802.15.4 standard. The IEEE 802.15.4 was recently extended by several techniques that allow reliable data transmission for critical applications, such as industrial plants. Deterministic and Synchronous Multi-channel Extension (DSME) allows for distributed assignment of time slots on multiple channels.
Keywords: wsn, sensor, wpan, dsme, 802.15.4, wireless
opp_env install sedencontroller_allinone-latest
SDN controller gives you an API to control switches by using OpenFlow v1.0.0 messages.
The Inet::RealtimeScheduler
and ExtInterface
allows the controller to cooperate with real SDN networks (Mininet etc.).
The code can be used for research purposes, but please refer or contact with authors.
This version requires OMNeT++ 5.4 and INET 4.0 or later.
Keywords: sdn, openflow
space_Veins is an extension of Veins which integrates satellites as additional communication partners in vehicular networks. By using Veins, the discrete event simulator OMNeT++ and the road traffic simulator SUMO are used in order to simulate vehicular networks. In addition, space_Veins provides OMNeT++ modules for modeling satellites. The satellites’ mobility is based on the SGP4 model which can calculate orbits of satellites based on NASA/NORAD Two-Line Element sets.
Keywords: vanet, vehicular, mobility, ad hoc, ivc, 802.11p, 1609.4, aerospace, wireless, satellite
xMIPv6 is an extensible Mobile IPv6 simulation model, based on the INET Framework.
This model is now part of the INET Framework.
xMIPv6 has been implemented with strict conformance to IETF’s Mobile IPv6 (MIPv6) protocol (RFC 3775), and its accuracy and reliability has been validated against a real Linux based MIPv6 test bed.
Authors: Faqir Zarrar Yousaf (TU Dortmund) and Christian Bauer (DLR).
Keywords: xmipv6, ipv6
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