INET-2.4 released
We are happy to announce the latest stable version of the INET Framework. Changes in this version include:
- A new AODV protocol implementation
- Added support for link break detection in IdealWireless (using the NF_LINK_BREAK signal)
- VoIPStream updated to match the latest version of the ffmpeg library
- Added packet printers for the trace window in the upcoming OMNeT++ 4.5 Tkenv
- Fixed non-conformant 802.11 WAITACK timeout computation
INET is an open-source communication networks simulation package for the OMNeT++ simulation environment. It contains models for several wired and wireless networking protocols, including UDP, TCP, SCTP, IP, IPv6, Ethernet, PPP, 802.11, MPLS, OSPF, and many others.
Visit the INET Framework website to download it.