NETwork Attacks (NETA) is a framework devised to simulate attack behaviors in heterogeneous networks using OMNeT++. Due to the intensive research in the field of network security, with this framework we try to provide an useful tool to facilitate the estimation of impact, damage, of network attacks, and the development of possible defenses. This tool could have a direct use in demonstrating the effectiveness of defense (detection or response) techniques against network attacks or to compare the capabilities of different defense techniques among many other applications. NETA is a INET 2.1.0 based framework. Thanks to the versatile and extensible schema of NETA, a huge amount attacks could be implemented in each protocol layer. NETA tries to be a reference base tool for the network attacks simulation and implementation. It is delivered under GPL license for free use of the research community. <div>
</div><div>NETA makes the network security simulation easier! Download the model now.</div>