We are happy to announce the INET Framework 2.0.0 release. The INET Framework is an open-source communication networks simulation package for the OMNeT++ simulation environment. It contains models for several wired and wireless networking protocols, including UDP, TCP, SCTP, IP, IPv6, Ethernet, PPP, 802.11, MPLS, OSPF, and many others.  We recommend that you port your existing models to the new 2.0 version so you can benefit from new features and improvements.

Visit the INET Framework website and download it now. Read on for details.

New features:

  • INET is now partitioned into several "project features" that can be turned on or off independently. This can greatly reduce the compile time by turning off unused parts of INET.
  • Result recording has been ported to use the new signal-based statistics collection framework; this allows better separation of the model and the statistic collection code.
  • New Differentiated Services framework for QoS simulations.
  • New IPv4NetworkConfigurator for more powerful configuration of IP networks.
  • New protocols: DHCP, BGPv4; intergated xMIPv6 (mobile IPv6).
  • New MANET routing protocols (from INETMANET): AODV, DSR, BATMAN, DYMO, OLSR
  • New PcapRecorder module for capturing traffic traces.
  • New VoIP application that allows sending an actual voice stream over the network.
  • Integrated HttpTools for simulating HTTP-based applications.
  • New mobility modules including TraCI (taken over from the Veins project)
  • Added an LwIP-based TCP implementation.
  • Writing a manual for INET has been started and already made a great progress.

  • Node models refactored for better extensibility (StandardHost, AdhocHost, WirelessHost, Router).
    • Different types of TCP, UDP and SCTP applications can co-exist in the same host.
    • Alternate UDP and TCP implementation can be plugged-in. Three independent TCP implementations are available (OMNeT++ native, LwIP, NSC)
    • Inside a host, submodules are instantiated only if they are actually required.
    • Configurable hooks have been added in the network layer to allow packet drop/duplication scenarios.
    • Routers now support an unlimited number of wireless, Ethernet, point-to-point and external interfaces.
    • Mobility support in Router and StandardHost is now optional.
    • AccessPoints now have both wireless and Ethernet interfaces (bridged).
  • Revised OSPFv2 model.
  • TCP: Transmission mode (byte count, object and byte stream) is now specified by the application.
  • UDP: multicast, broadcast and TTL support. Improved socket API.
  • IPv6: implemented default router selection, tunneling and datagram fragmentation/reassembly for PPP links.
  • IPv4: reimplemented multicast routing
  • Ethernet: EtherMAC refactored for better readability; added reconnect support, better PAUSE support, support for 40 and 100 Gigabit Ethernet.
  • Ethernet datarate is now configured on the channels (not in the MAC). Also added new Ethernet channel types: Eth10M, Eth100M, Eth1G, Eth10G, Eth40G and Eth100G
  • IEEE802.11 a/b/g/s model: Unified several implementations into a single MAC module.
  • Multiple radio support for wireless hosts; radio infrastructure has been refactored.
  • Refactoring: Mobility support is now completely independent of the radio infrastructure and it is compatible with the MiXiM mobility modules.
  • A comprehensive test suite has be devised, and deployed in a continuous testing environment (Jenkins).
  • A large number of bug fixes and other improvements.

You can find the detailed change log here.