VoIPTool 2.0 released
This is to announce VoIPTool 2.0, a realistic VoIP traffic generation and evaluation tool for the INET Framework and OMNeT++ 4.1. The package is an evolution of VoIPTool 1.x from Mathias Böhge and Martin Renwanz (TKN, TU Berlin): the code has been moved to github (as project inet-framework/voiptool), ported to OMNeT++ 4.x, and its external interface (parameters, etc.) and implementation has been revised. The package provides a VoIP source and a VoIP sink module as UDP apps. The source app transmits the contents of an audio file (mp3, wav, etc.) to the sink app as VoIP traffic, which can save it to an output audio file for later evaluation. Current maintainers are Zoltán Böjthe and Andras Varga. Download.