Yesterday Tom Parker announced the version 0.2.2 version of the MAC Simulator, developed within Consensus project at the Parallel and Distributed Systems Research group of TU Delft. Read on for details, or download from here.

"With the vastly increased number of users for our software in recent weeks (thanks everyone!) we've managed to find a few bugs, and so the would like to announce a new bugfix release of the MAC Simulator, version 0.2.2.


  • Fixes to S-MAC for long-running simulations, and a minor bug with the 'force' variable not being initialised (thanks to Michael Kaufmann)
  • LPL timeout assertion corrected (thanks to Bruno Marchi)
  • Scripts directory has now been cleaned up and documented. This contains basic scripts for doing interpretation of the MAC Simulator logs.
  • "Idle" and "Active" modes are now better described in the documentation.

It is available at <FONT color=#0000ff size=2></FONT> as before. Thanks for everyone's feedback, it's nice to be able to finally be able to make our internal work into a program that can be used by others.</P>

Tom Parker"</FONT>