Welcome to the new OMNeT++ community site! This site, www.omnetpp.org will soon permanently replace the old pages at whale.hit.bme.hu/omnetpp, which have served for several years now. The new site has lots of interactivity, and it has a real potential to bring users of OMNeT++ together by raising the awareness of each others’ work. Explore and enjoy it! A good starting point is the How to use this site page in the menu. We’ll also be happy to receive any suggestion to improve this site.

After the launch of this site, there'll be a transitional period of a few weeks while both this and the old site will be online, and we'll make refinements to this site based on your feedback. Then, if everything goes well, we will make the switch final, and whale.hit.bme.hu/omnetpp and www.hit.bme.hu/phd/vargaa/omnetpp will just point to this site.