5th OMNeT++ Community Summit 2018 - Call for Contributions
The 5th OMNeT++ Community Summit (OMNeT++ 2018)
will be held at the University of Pisa in Italy from Wednesday to Friday, September 5-7, 2018. The OMNeT++ Summit
is an open meeting with time and space for tutorials, discussions, coding sessions as well as presentations on
recent developments and novel ideas in the broad area of modeling and simulation, with a focus on the OMNeT++
simulation framework. The summit unites users, developers, and researchers to discuss applications, developments,
and ideas on the topics of integrating simulation models, coupling different simulation tools and providing more
accurate and more efficient modeling approaches and simulation models.
Paper submission deadline: June 22, 2018 (CfP)
For the first time in the history of OMNeT++-related events, the summit will host a hackathon that gives developers of simulation models and simulation frameworks the chance to consult and team-up with the OMNeT++ core developer team and fellow framework developers, in order to improve the quality and interoperability of simulation models and frameworks. Participants and topics will be selected based on prior written project proposals. Exemplary topics can be found on the summit web site.