
NED File src/inet/physicallayer/wireless/common/radio/packetlevel/Radio.ned

Name Type Description
Radio compound module

The radio model describes the physical device that is capable of transmitting and receiving signals on the medium. It contains an antenna model, a transmitter model, a receiver model, and an energy consumer model.

Source code

// Copyright (C) 2013 OpenSim Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later


import inet.physicallayer.wireless.common.base.packetlevel.PhysicalLayerBase;
import inet.physicallayer.wireless.common.contract.packetlevel.IAntenna;
import inet.physicallayer.wireless.common.contract.packetlevel.IRadio;
import inet.physicallayer.wireless.common.contract.packetlevel.IReceiver;
import inet.physicallayer.wireless.common.contract.packetlevel.ITransmitter;
import inet.power.contract.IEnergyConsumer;

// The radio model describes the physical device that is capable of transmitting
// and receiving signals on the medium. It contains an antenna model, a
// transmitter model, a receiver model, and an energy consumer model.
// The radio model supports changing radio mode, transmission power, or bitrate
// via ~ConfigureRadioCommand, or with direct C++ function calls.
// switchingTimes parameter should be regarded as a 5x5 matrix:
// <pre>
// OFF           0 0 0 0 0
// SLEEP         0 0 0 0 0
// RECEIVER      0 0 0 0 0
// TRANSMITTER   0 0 0 0 0
// TRANSCEIVER   0 0 0 0 0
// </pre>
// The corresponding RadioMode pairs contain the time needed to
// switch from one state to another.
// For example: the 6th number identifies the time needed to switch
// from SLEEP to OFF.
// The first entry of the switchingTimes string indicates the
// time-related metric prefix and it MUST be s, ms or ns.
module Radio extends PhysicalLayerBase like IRadio
        string radioMediumModule = default("radioMedium"); // module path of the medium module where this radio communicates
        string energySourceModule = default("");           // module path of the energy source module which provides energy to the radio

        string initialRadioMode @enum("off","sleep","receiver","transmitter","transceiver") = default("off");
        string switchingTimes = default("ms 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0"); // time parameters to switch between radio modes

        bool sendRawBytes = default(false); // when true packets are serialized into a sequence of bytes before sending out

        bool separateTransmissionParts = default(false); // when enabled the transmission of preamble, header and data part are simulated separately
        bool separateReceptionParts = default(false);    // when enabled the reception of preamble, header and data part are simulated separately

        bool displayCommunicationRange = default(false); // if true communication range is displayed as a blue circle around the node
        bool displayInterferenceRange = default(false);  // if true interference range is displayed as a gray circle around the node

        *.energySourceModule = default(absPath(this.energySourceModule));



        @statistic[radioMode](title="Radio mode"; source=radioModeChanged; record=count,vector; interpolationmode=sample-hold);
        @statistic[receptionState](title="Radio reception state"; source=receptionStateChanged; record=count,vector; interpolationmode=sample-hold);
        @statistic[transmissionState](title="Radio transmission state"; source=transmissionStateChanged; record=count,vector; interpolationmode=sample-hold);

        @statistic[minSnir](title="Min SNIR"; source=minimumSnir(packetSentToUpper); record=histogram);
        @statistic[packetErrorRate](title="Packet error rate"; source=packetErrorRate(packetSentToUpper); record=histogram);
        @statistic[bitErrorRate](title="Bit error rate"; source=bitErrorRate(packetSentToUpper); record=histogram);
        @statistic[symbolErrorRate](title="Symbol error rate"; source=symbolErrorRate(packetSentToUpper); record=histogram);

        antenna: <default("IsotropicAntenna")> like IAntenna {
        transmitter: <> like ITransmitter {
        receiver: <> like IReceiver {
        energyConsumer: <default("")> like IEnergyConsumer if typename != "" {