
Package: inet.mobility.static


simple module

Places all hosts in a rectangular grid. The usable area (constraint area minus margins on each side) is split into smaller cells (with separationX,separationY size). Hosts are placed in the middle of each cell. By default, the number of columns and rows follow the aspect ratio of the usable area. By default stepX and stepY are calculated based on the number of columns and rows.

Inheritance diagram

The following diagram shows inheritance relationships for this type. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram.


Name Type Description
MobilityBase simple module

Abstract base module for mobility models.


Name Type Default value Description
subjectModule string "^"

module path which determines the subject module, the motion of which this mobility model describes, the default value is the parent module

coordinateSystemModule string ""

module path of the geographic coordinate system module

displayStringTextFormat string "p: %p\nv: %v"

format string for the mobility module's display string text

updateDisplayString bool true

enables continuous update of the subject module's position via modifying its display string

constraintAreaMinX double -inf m

min x position of the constraint area, unconstrained by default (negative infinity)

constraintAreaMinY double -inf m

min y position of the constraint area, unconstrained by default (negative infinity)

constraintAreaMinZ double -inf m

min z position of the constraint area, unconstrained by default (negative infinity)

constraintAreaMaxX double inf m

max x position of the constraint area, unconstrained by default (positive infinity)

constraintAreaMaxY double inf m

max y position of the constraint area, unconstrained by default (positive infinity)

constraintAreaMaxZ double inf m

max z position of the constraint area, unconstrained by default (positive infinity)

marginX double 0m
marginY double 0m
numHosts int
columns int int(ceil(sqrt(numHosts * (this.constraintAreaMaxX - this.constraintAreaMinX - 2 * marginX) / (this.constraintAreaMaxY - this.constraintAreaMinY - 2 * marginY))))
rows int int((numHosts + columns - 1) / columns)
initialZ double 0m
separationX double (this.constraintAreaMaxX - this.constraintAreaMinX - 2 * marginX) / columns
separationY double (this.constraintAreaMaxY - this.constraintAreaMinY - 2 * marginY) / rows


Name Value Description
display i=block/cogwheel
class StaticGridMobility


Name Type Unit
mobilityStateChanged inet::MobilityBase

Source code

// Places all hosts in a rectangular grid.
// The usable area (constraint area minus margins on each side) is split into smaller cells
// (with separationX,separationY size). Hosts are placed in the middle of each cell.
// By default, the number of columns and rows follow the aspect ratio of the usable area.
// By default stepX and stepY are calculated based on the number of columns and rows.
simple StaticGridMobility extends MobilityBase
        double marginX @unit(m) = default(0m);
        double marginY @unit(m) = default(0m);
        int numHosts;
        int columns = default(int(ceil(sqrt(numHosts * (this.constraintAreaMaxX - this.constraintAreaMinX - 2 * marginX) / (this.constraintAreaMaxY - this.constraintAreaMinY - 2 * marginY)))));
        int rows = default(int((numHosts + columns - 1) / columns));
        double initialZ @unit(m) = default(0m);
        double separationX @unit(m) = default((this.constraintAreaMaxX - this.constraintAreaMinX - 2 * marginX) / columns);
        double separationY @unit(m) = default((this.constraintAreaMaxY - this.constraintAreaMinY - 2 * marginY) / rows);

File: src/inet/mobility/static/StaticGridMobility.ned